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[TINK] Tinker Token token

policy: content_copy7daff8880bd3d04dd7a0d87c241960f94cbf8b614e801bce38348893

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
524 2 2 639.994M
523 0 0 0
522 0 0 0
521 0 0 0
520 0 0 0

fact_check Token Overview

Tinker Token is used as a currency on the online makerspace Youblob. alongside ADA and FIAT. It also acts as a utility token as a User needs to pay 1 Tinker Token to convert a Blueprint over to a NFT. The incentive models found throughout the platform is also built around Tinker Token. For more information, please read the whitepaper:

Fingerprint content_copy asset1zwzvs7mqlq745qkwfs7hsre8la59xe6xelhp23
Name content_copyTINK (content_copy54494e4b)
Supply 1.111B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Tinker Token
Ticker: TINK
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2022-09-13 09:27:29
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