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[IAG] IAGON token

policy: content_copy5d16cc1a177b5d9ba9cfa9793b07e60f1fb70fea1f8aef064415d114

analytics IAG to ADA Chart

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
533 1.45k 6.92k 7.498B
532 1.55k 6.75k 8.712B
531 1.71k 7.45k 9.922B
530 1.63k 7.01k 9.006B
529 1.45k 6.21k 8.223B

fact_check Token Overview

IAGON is a shared storage economy that bridges decentralization and compliance for Web 3.0.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1z62wksuv4sjkl24kjgr2sm8tfr4p0cf9p32rca
Name content_copyIAG (content_copy494147)
Supply 1.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Ticker: IAG
Decimals 0
Token price 0.27500₳
FD Market Cap 275.000M₳
Minting 1x
2022-04-15 12:58:52
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