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[GOLD] GOLD token

policy: content_copy94e2ebbeb61a8a4b49b3a4fe940eb66bde0208e9acf2a7dc82b4bb57

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 2 3 2.19k
539 2 3 225
538 2 5 1.38k
537 2 3 3
536 1 3 336

fact_check Token Overview

Gold is the official utility token of CNFT Vault.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1xnpjpnxlns80utxprl98ywwzh3l7rc99j250v2
Name content_copyGold (content_copy476f6c64)
Supply 1.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: GOLD
Ticker: GOLD
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2023-10-20 19:59:56
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