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policy: content_copy7ae1fef487d2367392d734cf9e446304c5c6afcd4d681ce4f56210db

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455 1 1 25.00k
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fact_check Token Overview

VIRIDIS is tokenize nature! It is a new tree-backed financial system. VIRIDIS = CO2 linked to crypto token. The new TreeStandar. From the gold standard to the tree standard: VIRIDIS. The cryptocurrency based on natural capital. Tokenizing green economy. Using natural spaces as backing value to create a stable virtual currency.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1warjlmr0v0dhulnwvt9ht632d9zz3vcchh9hh0
Name content_copyVIRIDIS (content_copy56495249444953)
Supply 62.500M
Token Registry check_circle
Ticker: VRDIS
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2022-03-21 12:04:12
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