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[CHIP] CHIP token

policy: content_copy30d2ebdb2fec06142ee84e5120c2717b4d68a91bffd924420d94ddea

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 50 190 5.061B
539 58 315 9.831B
538 56 312 5.139B
537 79 305 2.902B
536 57 368 3.272B

fact_check Token Overview

$CHIP is the native token of Cardano Casino, allowing players to place bets, enhance their gaming experience, and securely collect rewards.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1v3ea896gwj9gef65hhmyzgmgtt9ynf8xepfkyl
Name content_copyCHIP (content_copy43484950)
Supply 1.600B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: CHIP
Ticker: CHIP
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2024-03-23 01:28:38
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