Epoch | TXs accounts | TXs all | Volume all |
540 | 71 | 285 | 352.897M |
539 | 82 | 396 | 428.782M |
538 | 52 | 299 | 177.789M |
537 | 81 | 334 | 240.442M |
536 | 84 | 1.07k | 13.548B |
ELEMENT is the utility token for the PeriodicTable.io project
Fingerprint | content_copy asset1tslcflzu87sq2qu5e00q72mrg79sefykruqw2l |
Name | content_copyELEMENT (content_copy454c454d454e54) |
Supply | 100.000M 100,000,000 |
Token Registry | Name: ELEMENT Token Ticker: ELEMENT |
Decimals | 0 |
Minting | 1x |
2024-02-02 21:49:26 |