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[PVCoin] PVCoin token

policy: content_copy fa575bf53416005fcaa91fc8d72ccd4f7d5081a262a5848128b22027

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 1 1 1.00k
539 0 0 0
538 1 1 1.00k
537 2 3 3.00k
536 1 2 2.00k

fact_check Token Overview

The next generation token with 2 billion total supply

Fingerprint content_copy asset1tqg5khksmvx7uddy90357jzzys73nc2l723q2c
Name content_copyPVCoin (content_copy5056436f696e)
Supply 2.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: PVCoin
Ticker: PVCoin
Decimals 0
Minting 6x
2022-01-05 11:29:41
2022-02-07 08:33:51
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