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[EGG] EGG token

policy: content_copye1818e4ecab6f8ea07abb5cd9b0f4f94b0aa5d1c6af12d067ee6f416

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
466 1 1 100.000M
465 0 0 0
464 0 0 0
463 0 0 0
462 0 0 0

fact_check Token Overview

The official token of ADA Eggs

Fingerprint content_copy asset1srgqpymuj3pl6jndjwhfps6kqvwaps9ersxdcc
Name content_copyEGG (content_copy454747)
Supply 100.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: EGG
Ticker: EGG
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2022-05-26 08:51:13
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