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[YAY] YaySwap token

policy: content_copy57684adcb032c8dbc40179841bed987d8dee7472617a0e5c25ef4140

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
480 39 131 10.621M
479 44 171 23.359M
478 55 179 7.270M
477 42 142 12.578M
476 54 125 8.151M

fact_check Token Overview

The first hybrid DEX platform on the Cardano Blockchain. Swap tokens in an instant, completely decentralized, and open source.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1rgf35m334zlllevykwde4uv4q2h5qd6ga7770f
Name content_copyYaySwap (content_copy59617953776170)
Supply 100.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: YaySwap
Ticker: YAY
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2021-04-12 05:02:34