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[NIKEP] Nike Plushie token

policy: content_copyc993febf626087ef69decf0c73c238e6abb00675241622597b4ee730

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 112 441 166.803B
539 91 543 140.669B
538 75 395 179.630B
537 129 668 152.668B
536 126 478 222.557B

fact_check Token Overview

The Sweet, Honest and Solidarity Meme

Fingerprint content_copy asset1q6mzrw99hkt2pl92czg6k72ex0nwxmcvlwlkpl
Name content_copyNIKEP (content_copy4e494b4550)
Supply 170.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Nike Plushie
Ticker: NIKEP
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2024-06-21 06:00:29
stars Featured assets: