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[ZAXROK] ZetaToken token

policy: content_copy 7d33f9c232384dbcf73fa5d8aab73ed992546329b0e1b9594e7bc936

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
527 1 1 200.00k
526 0 0 0
525 0 0 0
524 0 0 0
523 0 0 0

fact_check Token Overview

ZetaToken supports cutting-edge satellite robot development projects, including GPS-based outdoor robots for space exploration and Earth observation. By using ZetaToken, users can contribute to the design, development, and deployment of satellite robots, playing a crucial role in sustainable space exploration. Our goal is to create a safer and more efficient space environment through the fusion of robotics and satellite technology.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1ns0hr7mwttrjw67aumtl9dk5h5t70esmtkm7ee
Name content_copyZetaToken (content_copy5a657461546f6b656e)
Supply 1.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: ZetaToken
Ticker: ZAXROK
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2024-06-26 16:07:26
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