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Satoshi the Zeta token

policy: content_copyfbacf8a3dbd78492fbc70f82ff6c54675d97264c6bd9422e043be8bd

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 3 23 18.366M
539 5 21 16.694M
538 3 23 23.038M
537 4 29 109.635M
536 5 24 48.868M

fact_check Token Overview

Fingerprint content_copy asset1nk8m60ywn9gn02akjqjjg8wskrykll6jegrztj
Name content_copySatoshi the Zeta (content_copy5361746f73686920746865205a657461)
Supply 1.000B
Token Registry pause_circle_outline no
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2024-12-12 19:46:02
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