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[iETH] iETH token

policy: content_copy f66d78b4a3cb3d37afa0ec36461e51ecbde00f26c8f0a68f94b69880

analytics iETH to ADA Chart

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
498 82 863 22.07k
497 79 575 21.89k
496 89 625 23.41k
495 82 639 20.83k
494 83 494 20.43k

fact_check Token Overview

Cardano native token that tracks the price of Ethereum

Fingerprint content_copy asset1nftftqmrxtgxakuhs8fmkcxl636xutgjm8qk3y
Name content_copyiETH (content_copy69455448)
Supply 571.89
Token Registry check_circle
Name: iETH
Ticker: iETH
Decimals 0
Token price 7,803.70990₳
FD Market Cap 4.463M₳
Minting 8743x
2023-01-05 23:58:33
2024-07-25 19:51:03