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[BUKZ] BUKZ token

policy: content_copy4c5d6baa4e94b86ccfba57848f3ed157350e27ec4b2a2e165a7cdc14

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
320 2 2 100.000M
319 0 0 0
318 0 0 0
317 1 1 100.000M

fact_check Token Overview

The native token used within the Cardenia City metaverse ecosystem

Fingerprint content_copy asset1n9nukfn5hkvw3rgqyufmuxarn9rnq7vxfuuyf7
Name content_copyBUKZ (content_copy42554b5a)
Supply 100.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: BUKZ
Ticker: BUKZ
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2022-01-27 07:33:05
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