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[VixFi] Vix Finance token

policy: content_copy0c3b14ddb319c5a50bfd93e69d0706d1527e2b2169744665a1c534d0

analytics VixFi to ADA Chart

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
528 15 111 10.298M
527 16 99 2.433M
526 17 120 6.480M
525 26 146 5.594M
524 20 135 4.737M

fact_check Token Overview

Vix Finance is a RealFi project that combines the new financial capabilities of the blockchain with the traditional financial markets and shares the profits with VixFi token holders

Fingerprint content_copy asset1mn336ygwrs67futqaqta2gpkr8s65kq5y766v8
Name content_copycPIGGY (content_copy635049474759)
Supply 10.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Vix Finance
Ticker: VixFi
Decimals 0
Token price 0.01739₳
FD Market Cap 173.87k₳
Minting 1x
2023-06-23 10:01:40