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[SNEKCHAD] SnekChad token

policy: content_copy7599f5af9fdf7eaedc4f935b932c302370210e266e5c92dd90b2c0e1

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 3 4 12.873B
539 0 0 0
538 2 4 12.958B
537 2 2 6.878B
536 3 8 23.957B

fact_check Token Overview

In honor of all the people who bought $Snek for over 100k ADA

Fingerprint content_copy asset1luftz5q6r9qnjspt23ts9y3hpthhd5z4lj3j54
Name content_copySnekChad (content_copy536e656b43686164)
Supply 100.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: SnekChad
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2024-04-22 22:04:33
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