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[WMTX] World Mobile Token X token

policy: content_copye5a42a1a1d3d1da71b0449663c32798725888d2eb0843c4dabeca05a

analytics WMTX to ADA Chart

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
513 1.30k 3.54k 402.684M
512 1.02k 2.61k 145.524M
511 17 45 52.62k
510 2 3 52.55
509 6 13 529.2

fact_check Token Overview

WMTx is the utility token of the World Mobile network, a decentralised cellular and internet network that gives ownership of telecom infrastructure back to the people. Proven across the world, the network is redefining connectivity and disrupting the trillion-dollar telecoms industry. Let's build the future of connectivity together, because together, we're unstoppable.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1l2xup5vr08s07lxg5c4kkj7ur624rv5ayzhyc7
Name content_copyWorldMobileTokenX (content_copy576f726c644d6f62696c65546f6b656e58)
Supply 129.438M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: World Mobile Token X
Ticker: WMTX
Decimals 0
Token price 0.67570₳
FD Market Cap 87.461M₳
Minting 4349x
2024-06-12 10:22:33
2024-10-11 04:34:28