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[FACT] Orcfax Token token

policy: content_copya3931691f5c4e65d01c429e473d0dd24c51afdb6daf88e632a6c1e51

analytics FACT to ADA Chart

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
537 354 1.55k 862.524M
536 315 1.33k 1.056B
535 302 1.41k 987.375M
534 355 1.84k 901.274M
533 313 1.17k 869.457M

fact_check Token Overview

FACT is the utility token of Orcfax, a decentralized oracle service that publishes data about real world events to the Cardano blockchain.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1kuwfd0esf9xcxurp2x4f9w65lvz4tkfw5epugq
Name content_copyorcfaxtoken (content_copy6f7263666178746f6b656e)
Supply 1.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Orcfax Token
Ticker: FACT
Decimals 0
Token price 0.00840₳
FD Market Cap 8.400M₳
Minting 1x
2023-09-04 21:16:49
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