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[BUGSEX] The "Official" Bug token of Cardano Rule 34 token

policy: content_copy 9101b6846980285c02089839ef18ef92cbeb80d9d6c4626d69500664

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
480 2 3 2.093B
479 1 3 705.846M
478 0 0 0
477 1 1 102.025M
476 2 3 125.975M

fact_check Token Overview

The first "official" bug token. Whatever that means...

Fingerprint content_copy asset1j6lsvl59d3mwqc52jfqw5fkaqj836m5f27k0w5
Name content_copyCardanoRule34BugToken (content_copy43617264616e6f52756c653334427567546f6b656e)
Supply 69.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: The "Official" Bug token of Cardano Rule 34
Ticker: BUGSEX
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2023-03-21 04:36:32