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[TEA] TEA token

policy: content_copy806df8e5d0bbd6943bba237463357be42f50420c27c7a63ed9c33967

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
534 1 1 1.773M
533 0 0 0
532 1 2 3.546M
531 1 3 5.319M
530 1 6 10.638M

fact_check Token Overview

$TEA is a fun memecoin to reward people for sharing the best

Fingerprint content_copy asset1h258nnaz298ulzf6fxm7dmglux86qc3vkd67x0
Name content_copyTEA (content_copy544541)
Supply 1.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: TEA
Ticker: TEA
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2024-10-08 18:04:59
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