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[qUSDM] qUSDM token

policy: content_copy9e00df0615de0a7b121a7f961d43e23165b8e81b64786c6eb708d370

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 61 266 115.568M
539 76 322 92.107M
538 94 424 77.411M
537 112 642 130.816M
536 83 283 60.841M

fact_check Token Overview

qUSDM is an interest bearing token minted upon deposit into the Liqwid USDM market and burned when redeemed. The underlying USDM is loaned out to borrowers through the Liqwid protocol.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1glrp2fdtswzn6qy3c77vjf52ff57wun9t8g254
Name content_copy (content_copy)
Supply 90.198M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: qUSDM
Ticker: qUSDM
Decimals 0
Minting 2038x
2024-09-04 16:59:30
2025-02-22 21:13:18
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