Epoch | TXs accounts | TXs all | Volume all |
540 | 151 | 470 | 155.333M |
539 | 164 | 557 | 56.393M |
538 | 162 | 637 | 80.312M |
537 | 184 | 637 | 50.130M |
536 | 189 | 609 | 47.379M |
Do NOT buy, sell, swap or trade GOKEY v1 tokens!!! GoKey has upgraded to a new and improved GOKEY token. Ensure than any GOKEY tokens you are purchasing have the new PolicyId of the only official GOKEY token in the GoKey ecosystem. PolicyId: ab0dec21aa7d939ad124ffaf95faf8ed72b1018ff72fffd8f9974907
Fingerprint | content_copy asset1e57z4fsjcrsa0l5wrrxkk5n4q0w67sf2qcjc25 |
Name | content_copyGOKEY (content_copy474f4b4559) |
Supply | 4.500B 4,500,000,000 |
Token Registry | Name: GoKey v1 - Dead Token Ticker: GOKEYv1 |
Decimals | 0 |
Minting | 1x |
2021-06-29 18:29:14 |