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[TUIT] Tuition Coin token

policy: content_copyc3675f5d7d013e2c192cdd12d1fe562f4c4f183d321b3a54638b513d

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 1 6 408
539 1 2 2.37k
538 1 3 3.55k
537 1 11 13.01k
536 0 0 0

fact_check Token Overview

A digital currency for education, and educators | Students and educators will benefit from every Tuition Coin purchased or spent by non-profits, corporations, and individuals. | Created by - Crystal Chain | Maximum supply : 100 Billion | Detailed tokenomics and whitepaper at:

Fingerprint content_copy asset1d54usp5cwaj6sukn58llly58ajngrwlqv3yqnv
Name content_copyTuition Coin (content_copy54756974696f6e20436f696e)
Supply 100.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Tuition Coin
Ticker: TUIT
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2022-09-18 05:42:00
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