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[Peppa] Peppa token

policy: content_copy8bca871dcd4f1dd9588d901d02677b6d2413fd19e4c8febfc353edff

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 7 15 119.294B
539 4 8 17.975T
538 4 7 6.033T
537 5 9 1,874.885T
536 5 13 604,514.397T

fact_check Token Overview

Peppa the pig. Oink oink the Cardano memespace!

Fingerprint content_copy asset1cqzdmnwdy8p5cl5cdv0kyu60v3fg0tphp594r0
Name content_copyPEPPA (content_copy5045505041)
Supply 48,369,069.000T
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Peppa
Ticker: Peppa
Decimals 0
Minting 9x
2023-05-22 14:28:49
2023-05-27 15:57:12
stars Featured assets: