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[DUMP] $DUMP token

policy: content_copyddeec4b6d0c03b6ba4c6135e8e81031748554a5626c23363878f53dd

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 61 154 23.487M
539 66 173 16.655M
538 67 165 15.116M
537 79 202 28.511M
536 73 204 21.255M

fact_check Token Overview

$DUMP is a fast & feeless Cardano Native Token, created specifically for the DUMPYverse. Every trx is paid for in DUMPYbux (sort of), which can be earned by collecting TURDlesTurtlePile of poo from your flaming dumper Super NES mining machine.

Fingerprint content_copy asset1c2pphm6xjwvyxh7whgrgrkrrjhhgy6aeyrk2cl
Name content_copyDUMP (content_copy44554d50)
Supply 300.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: $DUMP
Ticker: DUMP
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2021-11-24 03:36:30
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