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[EFLOP] Edot the E Flop token

policy: content_copy593879f63058976c8c4c60ccaa2f7eaeb3e4ae5961a890936161f357

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
538 1 1 45.57k
537 1 2 91.14k
536 0 0 0
535 0 0 0
534 1 5 596.21k

fact_check Token Overview

Edot is an E FLOP

Fingerprint content_copy asset19xq4u00xvh43ee09velu0ldyfdx0slv4wvf9aa
Name content_copyEdottheEFlop (content_copy45646f7474686545466c6f70)
Supply 69.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Edot the E Flop
Ticker: EFLOP
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2024-06-30 09:26:55
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