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[qBTC] qBTC token

policy: content_copyf72166e9fac8297aeb553c19ffab14f51ae271c2cb26783ba289a3a5

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 1 1 5.97
539 0 0 0
538 0 0 0
537 3 252 98.23k
536 2 12 4.41k

fact_check Token Overview

qBTC is an interest bearing token minted upon deposit into the Liqwid BTC market and burned when redeemed. The underlying BTC is loaned out to borrowers through the Liqwid protocol.

Fingerprint content_copy asset192wuyt3sv8a33w3nrsdtwxxnzmd59j4hcrwl8q
Name content_copy (content_copy)
Supply 1.17k
Token Registry check_circle
Name: qBTC
Ticker: qBTC
Decimals 0
Minting 46x
2024-10-11 15:45:56
2025-02-15 14:41:47
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