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[IDP] IDO Pass DAO Utility Token token

policy: content_copyb9168f05e657b6946fede254e383586cf7e7a2573d5a0fa12b3ef6ac

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
498 130 358 1.143B
497 135 366 111.826M
496 146 558 75.834M
495 141 361 47.034M
494 194 531 139.442M

fact_check Token Overview

The Initial DEX Offering Utility Token from IDO PASS DAO. IDO Pass DAO is the first Cardano DAO to focus on IDO's, Launchpads, and Blue Chip CNFT Fractionalization. This Token is your key to accessing all aspects of the IDP Ecosystem.

Fingerprint content_copy asset18zvny630e9g7j2rev8lj7lz9e0rxxckz5725n2
Name content_copyIDP (content_copy494450)
Supply 1.000B
Token Registry check_circle
Name: IDO Pass DAO Utility Token
Ticker: IDP
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2023-01-18 09:29:54