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[FSBN] Fishbowlian token

policy: content_copy909465f207e30a8f9dfbbcd246a67d6dfb82e4a8d54a2526534bc2cb

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 2 4 31.88k
539 1 1 12.98k
538 3 7 11.659M
537 3 4 2.598M
536 2 6 73.97k

fact_check Token Overview

FSBN Token ($FSBN) was originally created to better understand MinSwap and how existing tokens are launched and perform. After being found by eagle eyed community members, the Fishbowlians were left to reveal themselves to you fellow earthlings and thus moved forward with marketing.

Fingerprint content_copy asset17l65garm4ew07g3562ncphljx0w7arleeq7d6g
Name content_copyFSBN (content_copy4653424e)
Supply 26.338M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Fishbowlian
Ticker: FSBN
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2023-05-07 07:46:17
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