Epoch | TXs accounts | TXs all | Volume all |
540 | 18 | 40 | 134.485M |
539 | 20 | 54 | 255.354M |
538 | 26 | 73 | 415.389M |
537 | 23 | 60 | 1.615B |
536 | 25 | 47 | 824.804M |
While other Cardano meme coins are set at -bash and aim to remain stable, we aim to grow to the moon and beyond, even beyond Pluto. With lots of burns, big marketing campaigns and an army like no other, we are ready to be the first dogs to go to Pluto.
Fingerprint | content_copy asset15rpehvz3nfne38ja3m4r8hg7ms4n0zrlvz5tx3 |
Name | content_copySHIBADA (content_copy53484942414441) |
Supply | 53.226B 53,226,240,000 |
Token Registry | Name: SHIBADA Ticker: SHIBA |
Decimals | 0 |
Minting | 5378x |
2021-11-23 01:56:03 to 2022-01-03 00:35:27 |