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[ECO] EcoLink DAO token

policy: content_copy48be1afb3bc78e9f607b9c6128d9d11c8ecd2a214e3a432cd504d06f

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
540 1 1 3.999M
539 0 0 0
538 1 1 3.999M
537 1 4 15.996M
536 1 1 3.999M

fact_check Token Overview

EcoLink is a DAO. We are planting tree with the help of blockchain technology. The climate change rapidly increasing and the co2 also increasing. If we want to live in this earth then we have to plant more trees. Currently we are making a projet of NFT and token to stop climate change. If any one buy a NFT from our DAO he will plant a tree and he also can track his tree with the help of blockchain. Many of our project are coming soon! 1Tree = 1NFT = 4.5ton CA. Lest make a carbon free earth!

Fingerprint content_copy asset1587xnzqy7fm9r623ufqrcza6md89apdq9wek40
Name content_copyECO (content_copy45434f)
Supply 10.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: EcoLink DAO
Ticker: ECO
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2022-08-28 04:22:46
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