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[FET] Fraction Estate Token token

policy: content_copy815418a1b078a259e678ecccc9d7eac7648d10b88f6f75ce2db8a25a

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
498 63 280 5.486M
497 85 375 8.806M
496 81 349 7.954M
495 65 282 7.670M
494 72 412 10.553M

fact_check Token Overview

FET is the utility token of the Fraction Estate marketplace platform.

Fingerprint content_copy asset14f24e87r39wn705z9q20vvxnua8wvkc5lu3zsy
Name content_copyFraction Estate Token (content_copy4672616374696f6e2045737461746520546f6b656e)
Supply 130.637M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Fraction Estate Token
Ticker: FET
Decimals 0
Minting 450x
2022-09-01 00:12:41
2024-07-05 15:23:07