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[GOLF] Golfcoin token

policy: content_copy36e1d3481c77e4968ae050c814a35c1a2d0b953b31832d4c45353fbd

speed Onchain activity

Epoch TXs accounts TXs all Volume all
535 1 2 2.00k
534 1 1 1.00k
533 0 0 0
532 0 0 0
531 0 0 0

fact_check Token Overview

The ONE and ONLY coin to be used exclusively for betting", "or golf. Why, because we love golf!"

Fingerprint content_copy asset13kkn4q07qa60p7js9cpect9sjgu9rfxysmn0t0
Name content_copyGOLF (content_copy474f4c46)
Supply 10.000M
Token Registry check_circle
Name: Golfcoin
Ticker: GOLF
Decimals 0
Minting 1x
2021-03-22 21:27:32
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